Yesterday was the first day this year with temperatures rising above +10° celsius. For people living in a warmer climate, I know this must be hard to believe, but for us northern people it is hard reality.
It´s like my whole body can sense a final relief when the air surrounding me is above 10 degrees warm.
It´s like I can breath out and relax for the first time since ever. That is one of the most certain signs that winter is over.
Another is the butterflies. Yesterday I saw the first Brimstone for the year, today I see several, and a couple of Orange Underwing Moths (Archiearis parthenias). One of which allow some close views and shots.
The observation was made on Björnön - the Bear Island - during a sunny walk that also produced some Lesser spotted Woodpecker, Long-tailed Tits, singing Wren, Goldcrest, Treecreepers and Chaffinches.
4 Cranes soaring above, heading north, added to the visit as well.