25:th of November
As I drive on northwards along the Black River, I stop every now and then to scan the surroundings. In a nice, sunny clearing the sun is really warming despite the snow and cold around me, at least it´s lea here. A flock of 20 or so Redpolls entertain me for a while, when a nice group of passerines come and lively up the immediate nearby. Goldcrests, Treecreepers, Coal–, Crested–, Willow– Blue– and Great Tits altogether in a little "meståg" (Swedish expression for a band of tits, quite untranslatable word by word)
I put up some birdfood for them and move on to my regular feeding site where 20 Long-tailed Tits great me. Such sweet little creatures! The Nutcrackers get happy over my new shipload of Hazelnuts and margarin. They´re crazy!
In the village (Fläckebo) my garden is also busy, with plenty of Yellowhammers, Greenfinches, a few Marsh Tits, a male Pheasant and above all... a nice group of 30 or so Waxwings, feasting on the apples still hanging from my trees.
Oh I love these birds! Just as I´ve focused the telescope on them the alarm call of a Marsh Tit makes them fly away, and when they finally come back the light has gone totally, so no Waxwing pics today. Maybe another day.