tisdag 24 december 2019

Three Owls in a day

It was a great day yesterday (despite low clouds and poor light) with a bunch of great birds in the Black River area. Starting with a very unshy Great Grey Owl in broad daylight, soon after a Hawk Owl, adding on Hazel Grouse, Golden Eagle, White-tailed Eagle, several Black Grouse and just by dusk a Ural Owl in hunting mode at very close range.

torsdag 19 december 2019

Hawk & Ural owl in the Black River Valley

It´s been a good last few days for birds and photography in the Black River Valley, Västmanland. Here´s a few samples. Hawk- and Ural Owl, Nutcrackers, Whooper Swans.

tisdag 17 december 2019

The Skulker

The most skulking bird in the swedish forest is the Hazel Grouse. After perhaps a year without even a glimpse of this descrete, little beauty, 2 males walked up on the forest track in front of my car. Drab weather and poor light but at least a couple of shots to prove it´s existence.

onsdag 11 december 2019

Goshawk presence

Great day for raptor photography from our hides in the Black River Valley yesterday. Snow and brilliant light. This Goshawk female was present for a long time in front of Lennart Hyse and Lars Karlsson. Pictures by Hyse.