tisdag 17 februari 2009

Another Hawk Owl

5:th of February 2009
Another Hawk Owl has turned up and with this weeks group we head to see it. First we struggle to find it, but after some good local knowledge comes our way, it´s easy to spot. Despite it is first sitting in the middle of a dense little wood and resting. Eventually it flies up to a tall tree top, where it perches for the rest of the time we stay. Several Hawfinches show around gardens on the way to the Owl.

1 kommentar:

Atanasio Fernández García sa...

En una rapaz preciosa, !qué pena que no la haya por aquí! Te envío un enlace a la Feria de Ornitología de Monfragüe, que se celebra del 27 y 28 de febrero: (FIO)http://www.fioextremadura.es/

Un abrazo!