lördag 18 juli 2009

Abisko - here we come!

30:th of June 2009
A bunch of Butterfly crazy people have teamed up to make an expedition to see the Arctic Butterflies of Abisko in the far north of Sweden. Some have already travelled trough Sweden by car for a week and seen Red-flanked Bluetail, Little Bunting, Arctic Warbler and Butterflies like Violet Copper and Chequered Skipper. Others flew in yesterday and ticked some important butterflies on the bogs near Kiruna, like Arctic Ringlet and Friggas Fritillary.
Now it´s the first day together on the expedition and we have decided to take the boat across Torne träsk and climb the summit of Jiebrencorru.
On the picture the whole group is on our way from the comfortable cabins of the mountainstation in Abisko to the shore of lake Torneträsk. The air is filled with excitement and anticipation. Kalle "the conquerer" Källebrink naturally takes the lead!

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